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Before & After School Care


Kordas Korner provides transportation services to and from nearby elementary schools, including Lake Garda, Harwinton Consolidated as well as the local middle school, Har-Bur

During typical school days at Region 10, Kordas Korner provides BEFORE and AFTER SCHOOL services for elementary and middle school students. Students wait on the sheltered porch with a teacher until their bus arrives to transport them to school.

Before School Care

Open at 6:30 AM

  • School-age students attending Lake Garda, Harwinton Consolidated, or Har-Bur will pick up the bus at Kordas Korner.  

  • School-age students can:

    • bring breakfast

    • engage in before-school activities such as building, Legos, beading, manipulatives, board games, and puzzles, or join in making the morning "craft"

After School Care

Open until 5:30 PM 

  • School-age students attending Lake Garda, Harwinton Consolidated, or Har-Bur will be dropped off at Kordas Korner.  

  • School-age students can:

    • bring an afternoon snack

    • do their homework, which is encouraged. Assistance is provided if needed. 

    • join in with the many after-school activities taking place or relax and read a book in the loft area 

    • go out on the playground (weather permitting)   

Delayed Openings / Half Days / Early Release / Professional Development Days

Parents have the option to sign up for delayed openings, half days, early release, and even full days of care on Professional Development days based on the Region 10 calendar.  

“Our family has had the privilege of being part of the Kordas Korner family for 7 years and going.  Both of our boys have participated in the nursery school, pre-kindergarten and before and after school programs.  The love, care, nurturing, and education the boys have received from all of the teachers have left us with nothing but gratitude.  Thank you to Sheila and all Kordas staff for becoming an extension of our family over the years we shared in your school.”

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